SG BlogHub Report!

SG BlogHub was updated!

The Fashionista event is over but we have a new event to promote! The next event is Impresario 2010!

Impresario 2010 is a nationwide talent search competition looking for talents in the fields of Vocal Solo/Group, Street Dance, and Original Composition with prizes up to $10,000 to be won!

If you are not interested in those, there is also The Open Platform where you can showcase any of your talents with a chance to perform live on stage!

Visit for more information!

We have a new rule regarding the SG BlogHub tagboard. The tagboard can be used freely except for the tagging of advertisements. Violations of this rule will be looked into and continued violation would result in the banning of the violator's ip address from the tagboard.

SG BlogHub is getting bigger and it is not very feasible to update regularly. Therefore the SG BlogHub Team would update the BlogHub monthly or every 2 months.

Occasionally, tips on blogging or polls would be posted on the blog so keep checking back regularly on our blog!

Last but not least, the SG BlogHub Team have set up a facebook page! Do add yourself as a fan! The fan box is located on this blog!

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